Empowered by Real Food

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I’m so excited and honoured to be part of this beautiful community eCookbook. With over 120 paleo recipes and inspiring healing stories its a fantastic and inspiring compilation.

All 16 contributors share their story and how they’ve used food to help gain back their health and live more empowered lives.

It’s been compiled by fellow AS diagnosed Paleo food lover  Andrea Wyckoff, whom I’ve followed for years and I constantly use her delicious recipes.

All of the recipes are grain and gluten-free and include suggestions on how to easily adapt them to suit healing protocols such as AIP, GAPS, SCD and vegan.

I hope you too will get empowered by real food!

The book costs only $15 .90 and features:

16 Healing Stories

124 Nourishing Paleo Receipes

70 Recipes that are AIP (or can be modified to be)

70 Recipes that are Vegan (or can be modified to be)

90 Recipes that are SCD/GAPS (or can be modified to be)

To learn more and get yourself a copy, click here!


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