
I'm Elsa, the founder of Gut Culture. I help people with autoimmune conditions,  discover their triggers and underlying imbalances, so they can regain control of their health and reverse symptoms.

I offer private 1 to 1 nutritional therapy consultations over Skype or Zoom and from my home clinic in Bonnarp, Ljungbyhed Sweden.

The Consultation

Initially I will send you an in depth health questionnaire including a food diary to fill out. When we meet we go through your history in detail and together we will work out a plan of action to fit in with your daily routine.

Sometimes I may refer you to your GP for further investigation or blood tests and sometimes I  recommend specialist lab tests such as:

Functional Stool test such as GI Effects or GI Map

Organic Acids for an overall metabolic health picture (bacteria, candida, mould,  vitamin and mineral levels, oxidative stress, neurotransmitter levels, mitochondria etc.)

Food Sensitivities

Autoimmune Reactivity

Nutritional Evaluation

I also work with Cyrex labs and can order all Cyrex Array blood tests.

These tests are entirely optional and come at an additional cost.

It is very helpful if you can bring any previous test results from your doctor. A complete blood count and a Vitamin D test can be very helpful.


I offer 3-month and 6-month packages which enable me to dig deep whilst giving you regular help and support on your way to reach your goals. Autoimmune disease does not happen over night, it takes many years to develop to the stage where you experience symptoms, and therefore it isn't usually a quick fix. There are often many pieces to the puzzle to look into and if you have been sick for a while, long term support may be needed.

Packages include:

Initial consultation (90 mins) via Zoom.

In-depth health and lifestyle assessment to consider symptoms, medical history, family history, lifestyle and diet.

Recommendations on clinical tests and interpretation.

A bespoke nutrition, lifestyle and supplement plan, based on your goals.

Follow-up appointments (30 min) every 2 weeks to provide support with implementation, assess progress and to adapt your health plan as required.

Recipes and education handouts, based on your personal needs.

• 10% off all supplements purchased at Natural Dispensary or Amrita Nutrition.


Book your free call below, so we can discuss your health concerns and which package is right for you.

Elsa Quarsell DipION, mBANT, CNHC